Didn’t get much done

Oh well…

Hey there!

As I was reflecting on this past weekend, I realized I didn’t get much done on the business side of things. Usually I’d be upset and mentally beat myself up about this but for some reason that wasn’t the case this time. The reason - I spent a lot of time with my family, especially since it was Mother’s Day weekend.

That’s not to say I didn’t get anything done, I did. I was able to test some new 3D print designs (didn’t turn out well), send out some orders, and clean up my office a bit. Other than that, it was mostly family time which was refreshing, honestly.

We (I) can get so caught up in trying to grow this side hustle that sometime we forget about the most important things in our lives. Let’s be better about this.

Editor’s Pick 🤩

  • Video - Part of the reason I’m trying to build a newsletter is because of this guy, Sam Parr. He started the Hustle newsletter and grew that to be one of the biggest newsletters out there, along with many other businesses. I love how down to earth he is - feels like you could hang out with him. Anyways, this is a somewhat recent interview with him about building a community with lots of value. Check it out!

  • Podcast - This was an interesting one! All about how a pizza company teams up with gas stations and created a cult-like following!

  • Book - Still reading “Million Dollar Weekend” by Noah Kagan (I’m a slow reader). Here’s the link (affiliate) - https://amzn.to/3ULKpqk

  • Weekly Wisdom 🧠: Last week’s wisdom was Just Start. This week is a follow up to that - Keep Going. Starting is the first step, but it’s all the action after that that really matters. I could start a hundred different things, but without follow up and continued work on those projects, they’d get no where. Even if it’s small progress, it’s still progress. The thing I try to think about is getting 1% better. Everyday I try to get 1% better, or work on a project to move it along even 1%. These small progressions add up over time, and more importantly, it keeps me moving in the right direction and keeps me from stopping altogether. 1% is all it takes.

Until next week,


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