Trying New Things

Hey there!

One of my struggles with trying to run a business online is being consistent with social media posts and uploads. Let’s face it - the algorithms tend to favor consistency and a good way to “win” at this whole online game often times is to play to the algorithm, unfortunately…

Every-other week for the past 2 months I’ve been consistently uploading a new YouTube project video to my channel - “Doing Whatever”. I’ve found that, through the years of creating videos for YouTube, this pace works well for me. It gives me time to make the thing and film the video the first week, then edit the video the second week (along with everything else that comes with posting a video). These past two weeks, however, I didn’t create the thing, video, or do any editing until 2 days before I needed to post the video. And I wasn’t going to break the streak! This lead me to finding a “thing” I could do quickly, film quickly, and edit quickly.

Fortunately (or unfortunately) I had a hose faucet that was leaking in our backyard. This seemed like it could be a quick project, yet helpful to others if I made a video about the process. I did some research on possible causes for it leaking, went to the store to get supplies, and began filming myself taking the faucet apart to fix it.

Why am I telling you this boring story of my weekend? Simply to encourage you to try new things. In my case, I somewhat “forced” myself into a situation where I was running out of time to post a video, I didn’t want to break my streak, and this was the only “quick” project I thought I could accomplish in 2 days. Your reason for trying something new will likely be different than mine, but I encourage you to give it a try either way!

So, did I fix my water leak? I guess you’ll have to watch and find out! 😉

Editor’s Pick 🤩

  • Video - Lately I’ve been trying to build systems for different aspects of my life, personally and professionally. I’ve been following Eric over at 30by40 Design Workshop for a while now and somehow missed his upload from a few years ago showing his Notion workflow. It’s all about having systems and processes (templates) in place so we’re not always starting a task from scratch. This video specifically is how he uses Notion as an architect, and I’m definitely going to be creating something similar for my profession career as well

  • Podcast - I’ve recently started listening to Lex Fridman’s podcast and have been enjoying it. A YouTuber that I’ve heard of (Coffeezilla) but haven’t watched was on Lex’s podcast a bit ago but I thought it’d be a great way to learn about him. It was a great episode talking about some of Coffeezilla’s biggest investigations -

  • Book - Haven’t been able to read much lately so “Million Dollar Weekend” by Noah Kagan is still in progress. - it’s a bestseller on Amazon. Here’s the link (affiliate) -

  • Weekly Wisdom 🧠: Try new things. You may discover that you really enjoy doing this new thing or you may discover that you never want to do that new thing ever again. But at least by trying, you figure out which it is. And at the very least, you won’t have to wonder and possibly live with regretting that you never tried that thing.

Until next week,



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